Cosmic Amens

New instalment in my ongoing TIME LIFE series. Produced for the ‘Where’s The Music?’ exhibition at TeToKa gallery in Kanda, Tokyo. Some background, some pictures detailing the construction of this piece & some lessons learned for the next one… Earlier this year while in Tokyo I was invited to submit work for this show. I forgot about it, when I got… Continue reading Cosmic Amens

Cosmic Amens, 2012

The Decrystallization of the Hidden Netherlands

The Dutch government’s censorship of sensitive locations has become an iconic feature of our online Maps landscape. These interventions are slowly disappearing, but looking back though the lens of Google Earth’s Historical Imagery feature, what can we see beneath? In the beginning there was only the void, and no censorship was required. In the year 2000… Continue reading The Decrystallization of the Hidden Netherlands

Camouflage: The New Plaid

I recently gave a talk at Tokyo PechaKucha Night Vol 124. Basically an updated & much snappier version of the camo talk I did for Hackers & Designers last year. As described by the people of PechaKucha: He deconstructs the ironies associated with fashion being at odds with the military, pointing out that the armed forces are now more… Continue reading Camouflage: The New Plaid